Another 2004 initiative to be repeated at this yearÕs Energy Breakthrough is the $5 fee for cars entering the Event Precinct. With fuel prices soaring and the environmental focus of the event, car pooling will be essential for all trips to Maryborough this November. Please note that buses are exempt from this fee. To see where the Car Parking Pay stations are situated, download an A4 printable version of the Access Plan.

Cars will be instructed at a number of spots around the Energy Breakthrough precinct from Wednesday November 23 when the roads will be closed from 9am. There are a number of designated car parking areas throughout the precinct, although there is limited spaces available.

Local Maryborough residents are employed to man the Parking Pay Stations throughout the event and the project almost broke even in 2004. The Planning Committee is eager to ensure that participants do not see the car parking fee as a revenue raising project. TheyÕd rather see space on the site used for tents than cars and reduce our events impact on the environment.