
We’re calling on you to join our team of over 700 volunteers to help make the RACV Energy Breakthrough one of Australia’s and award winning premier education, science and technology events.

What do we need volunteers for?

We need people with muscles who can help us set up, people who can plan or administrate, people who can marshal, people who have ‘people skills’ and people who love to entertain.

We offer a range of opportunities and roles on offer that we hope you’ll find challenging and rewarding.
They include:

  • Pushcart Marshal / Judge
  • Try-athlon Marshal (Friday only)
  • HPV Marshal
  • Camping Co-ordinator
  • Judge – Display & Presentation
  • Judge – Innovations in Technology
  • Judge – Design & Construction
  • Track Side Entertainment (Stages)
  • Online Content Team (Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube)
  • Video Producer
  • Wifi Support
  • Admin Support
  • Other (Yep, there’s a lot of ‘other’ things that always need to be done…)

Keen? Of course you are! 
There’s some info available in our Volunteer pack about the hours and vibe required with each role.

Simply fill in our expression of interest form below before Friday 31st of October and we’ll review it, then be in touch.

Volunteer Expression of Interest


    Fields marked with a * are required

    Your First Name *

    Your Last Name *

    Your Contact Number *

    Your Contact Email*

    Days Available*


    Preferred Roles

    Briefly, tells us why you want to volunteer? (if any)

    Birth Year

    Are you human?

    To use CAPTCHA, you need Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin installed.


    A member of the RACV Energy Breakthrough team will be in touch to discuss your interest closer to the event.

